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 Black Forest Home Security Systems, the only company that gives you everyting you pay for: quality, craftsmanship and personal service. We know how to do it right and we care about doing it right!
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About Contacting Us
The best way to contact us is by telephone at (719) 495-2715 You may call 24 hours a day. Our expertise and services are in demand so we are usually out of the office working. Please leave a message on our answering machine. To stop the outgoing greeting so you can leave a message immediately, simply press the *(star) button on your land-line phone. Then begin speaking immediately.
Note: Pressing the star button on some cell phones or office phones may disconnect you so you will not be leaving a message. Many cell phone messages are poor connections. Please leave your number twice.

Since I do everything myself, It is easy to become overwhelmed with phone calls

during extremely busy times. If I haven't returned your call in a day or two, please call again and remind me that I haven't returned your call.

Please understand, I'm not trying to ignore you or be rude. The personal service and craftsmanship I provide to my customers takes time. If you can have a little patience, you too will have my personal service and a trouble free system.

If you feel that you simply cannot wait for me to do the work. Please, go back to the pictures and look at other companies' work. it may encourage you to be patient. Remember, a cheap system is its own punishment!

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